April 28, 2006
Internet Explorer 7.0 Beta 2
So I've been using it for some days now, and I think it is quite good in some respects (example: tabs), the bad part is that someone with not enough RAM might not want to use it specially if you have many applications fighting for memory. Yes, I could be using Firefox, but I'm somewhat lazy and plus I like to keep everything from one company in one system and not mix it with others (except for games of course). I'm also very expectant of Windows Vista and its "3D" UI. I haven't tried that new hotmail/msn live whatever it's called, because I already have 3 email accounts each from different companies (Microsoft, Yahoo, Google) and they already do more than what I need them for so why bother.
Nintendo Wii

Indeed, Nintendo Wii is the new home console's name. There is a big negative uproar about the new name, but I actually find it quirky, unique, and imaginative unlike the flat PS3 or XBox360 names. Oh, I almost forgot, http://revolution.nintendo.com/ that is the official link from Nintendo Of America's site, it still has revolution because that was the system's codename.
I'm very excited with the coming E3 because that is the first place that the games for the Nintendo Wii will be shown and played, and also the last secret that its controller has will be revealed. So stay tuned to "In Space As Always...".